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Know more about Antibiotic Resistance - http://save-antibiotics.blogspot.com/
Antibiotic Awareness day November 18th

World Health day April 7th

Education Loan Task Force - http://www.eltf.in/
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BioMedical Research Felloeship Programme for India -
Online News Paper from Around the world -

- http://www.embo.org/programmes/yip/vacancies.html

Intellectual Development Foundation-Theory of Shivashanmugam

http://wikia.academia.edu/SivashanmugamPalaniappan/Papers/1236851/The_Expected_Knowledge Farmers Bio Fertilizers-http://www.farmersbiofertilizers.com

World Health Day 2011 web button

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Important Web Links for Researchers

  1. http://www.thesciencejobs.com/ - Job Seeking
  2. http://www.education.nic.in/announceschol.asp - Abroad Scholarship Announcement
  3. http://helpbiotech.blogspot.com/ - Fellowship Vacancy in India
  4. http://www.findaphd.com/ -Find a PhD  in and  Around the World
  5. http://www.conferencealerts.com/ - Find Conferences in and Around the World all disciplines
  6. http://save-antibiotics.blogspot.com/ - Antibiotic Resistance Management - India
  7. http://www.manitham.net/ - Human Rights Organization
  8. http://www.successcds.net/Entrance-Exam - Common Eligibility Test
  9. http://www.protocol-online.org - To find a Protocol
  10. http://mtcc.imtech.res.in/ - To get the Microbial Culture 
  11. http://www.atcc.org/ - To Get the Microbial Culture
  12. http://www.genome.wisc.edu/resources/internet.htm - Strains collections and E.coli genome project
  13. http://cgsc.biology.yale.edu/index.php - E.coli strains collection
  14. http://www.microrao.com/identify.htm - Micro important Journals and informations
  15. http://www.imc9.info/links.htm - Mycology societies around the world
  16. http://www.fj4d.com/fmj/IP_MICRO.HTM - Medical journal lists
  17. http://www.careerafter12th.com/?p=399 - Carrier after 12th 
  18. http://www.biotechnologist2020.com/2008/06/icgeb-italy-vacancy-for-research.html - Vacancy
  19. http://www.tgw1916.net/bacteria_abis.html 
  20. http://www.sgm.ac.uk/membership/ - General Microbiology Society - Fellowships and PhD positions in Microbiology
  21. http://www.sgm.ac.uk/links/ - General Microbiology Society - Science Links
  22. http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/home - Welcome Trust Oxford University
  23. http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/hp.asp - Medical 
  24. http://www.pdr.net/Default.aspx-Drug information
  25. http://www.ischemo.org/ - International society of Chemotherapy
  26. http://www.idsociety.org/ - Infectious Disease Society of America
  27. http://antibioticinformation.blogspot.com/2005/11/what-are-antibiotics.html
  28. http://www.theantibioticsblog.com 
  29. http://www.englishpage.com
  30. http://aangilam.blogspot.in
  31. http://www.englishleap.com/grammar/tenses

1 comment:

Edward Packiaraj said...

Dear Ramesh
I am Edward Packiaraj from Educational Technology
Very good written information. It will be useful to everyone who employess it, as well as me. Keep up the good work for further useful links of free resources (especially for education) plz. visit www.packiam.wordpress.com